Serial Vs Parallel Dilution Method

  • This makes parallel dilution impractical as the necessary volume of the stock solution would be too small to accurately measure.With the serial dilution technique, a stock solution can be used to make a dilute solution, which can then be diluted further to make a more dilute solution and so on until the desired concentration is met.
  • Parallelism is defined as an established parallel relationship between a dose-response curve from a study sample dilution series and a curve from a calibration standard series, with no difference among back-calculated concentrations for multiple dilutions of a study sample. As of the issuance of this guideline, domestic and international.

A serial dilution is the dilution of a sample, in 10-fold dilutions. As shown in the illustration below, it begins when 1 mL of the bacterial sample is added to 9 mL, and it is mixed together (creating a 10-1 dilution). Then, 1 mL from that mixture is added to 9 mL, and it is mixed together (a 10-2 dilution).

There are many ways of expressing concentrations and dilution.

Using C1V1 = C2V2

To make a fixed amount of a dilute solution from a stock solution, you can use the formula: C1V1 = C2V2 where:

  • V1 = Volume of stock solution needed to make the new solution
  • C1 = Concentration of stock solution
  • V2 = Final volume of new solution
  • C2 = Final concentration of new solution
  • Example: Make 5 mL of a 0.25 M solution from a 1 M solution
  • Formula: C1V1 = C2V2
  • Plug values in: (V1)(1 M) = (5 mL)(0.25 M)
  • Rearrange: V1 = [(5 mL)(0.25 M)] / (1 M)V1 = 1.25 mL
  • Answer: Place 1.25 mL of the 1 M solution into V1-V2 = 5 mL – 1.25 mL = 3.75 mL of diluent
Using Dilution Factors

To make a dilute solution without calculating concentrations, you can rely on a derivation of the above formula:
(Final Volume / Solute Volume) = Dilution Factor (can also be used with mass)

This way of expressing a dilution as a ratio of the parts of solute to the total number of parts is common in biology. The dilution factor (DF) can be used alone or as the denominator of the fraction, for example, a DF of 10 means a 1:10 dilution, or 1 part solute + 9 parts diluent, for a total of 10 parts. This is different than a “dilution ratio,” which typically refers to a ratio of the parts of solute to the parts of solvent, for example, a 1:9 using the previous example. Dilution factors are related to dilution ratios in that the DF equals the parts of solvent + 1 part.

Slip Vs Ppp

  • Example: Make 300 μL of a 1:250 dilution
  • Formula: Final Volume / Solute Volume = DF
  • Plug values in: (300 μL) / Solute Volume = 250
  • Rearrange: Solute Volume = 300 μL / 250 = 1.2 μL
  • Answer: Place 1.2 μL of the stock solution into 300 μL – 1.2 μL = 298.8 μL diluent
Step Dilutions

If the dilution factor is larger than the final volume needed, or the amount of stock is too small to be pipetted, one or more intermediary dilutions may be required. Use the formula: Final DF = DF1 * DF2 * DF3 etc., to choose your step dilutions such that their product is the final dilution.

  • Example: Make only 300 μL of a 1:1000 dilution, assuming the smallest volume you can pipette is 2 μL
  • Choose step DFs: Need a total dilution factor of 1000. Let’s do a 1:10 followed by a 1:100 (10 * 100 = 1000)
  • Formula: Final Volume / Solute Volume = DF
  • Plug values in: (300 μL) / Solute Volume = 10
  • Rearrange: Solute Volume = 300 μL / 10 = 30 μL
    Answer: Perform a 1:10 dilution that makes at least 30 μL (e.g. 4 μL solute into 36 μL diluent), then move 30 μL of the mixed 1:10 into 300 μL – 3 μL = 297 μL diluent to perform the 1:100 dilution

Parallel Dilution Formula

Serial dilution problems
Serial Dilutions

A dilution series is a succession of step dilutions, each with the same dilution factor, where the diluted material of the previous step is used to make the subsequent dilution. This is how standard curves for ELISA can be made. To make a dilution series, use the following formulas:

  • Move Volume = Final Volume / (DF -1)
  • Diluent Volume = Final Volume – Move Volume
  • Total Mixing Volume = Diluent Volume + Move Volume
  • Example 1: Make a 7-point 1:3 standard curve, starting Neat, such that you can pipette duplicates of 50 μL per well
  • Calculations:
    • Calculate the minimum diluent volume per step: 50 μL per well * 2 for duplicates = 100 μL minimum. Add extra volume to compensate for pipetting error, for example, 20 μL, which brings our desired Diluent Volume to 120 μL
    • Calculate Move Volume: Move Volume = 120 μL / (3-1) = 60 μL
    • Calculate Total Mixing Volume: Total Mixing Volume = 120 μL + 60 μL = 180 μL
  • Answer:
    • Prepare the first point of the standard curve, which is 180 μL of Neat standard
    • Prepare the diluent for the rest of the points, or six aliquots of 120 μL of diluent
    • Move 60 μL of the first point into the second and mix thoroughly, move 60 μL of that into the next, and so on
  • Example 2: Make a 7-point 1:2 standard curve, starting at a 1:5, such that you can pipette duplicates of 50 μL per well
  • Calculations:
    • Calculate minimum diluent volume per step: 50 μL per well * 2 for duplicates = 100 μL minimum. Add extra volume to compensate for pipetting error, for example, 20 μL, which brings our desired Diluent Volume to 120 μL
    • Calculate Move Volume: Move Volume = 120 μL / (2-1) = 120 μL
    • Calculate Total Mixing volume: Total Mixing Volume = 120 μL + 120 μL = 240 μL
    • Calculate first point dilution volumes: you need 240 μL of a 1:5
  • Answer:
    • Prepare the first point of the standard curve, which is a 1:5, so pipette (240 μL /5) = 48 μL solute into 192 μL diluent
    • Prepare the diluent for the rest of the points, or six aliquots of 120 μL of diluent
    • Move 120 μL of the first point into the second and mix thoroughly, move 60 μL of that into the next, and so on
  • Posted in:Admin
  • 13/04/18› ▄ ▄ ▄ Serial Vs Parallel Dilution Method

Contents • • • • Parallel Data [ ] The parallel port on modern computer systems is an example of a parallel communications connection. The parallel port has 8 data wires, and a large series of ground wires and control wires. IDE hard-disk connectors and PCI expansion ports are another good example of parallel connections in a computer system. Serial Data [ ] The serial port on modern computers is a good example of serial communications. Serial ports have either a single data wire, or a single differential pair, and the remainder of the wires are either ground or control signals. USB, FireWire, SATA and PCI Express are good examples of other serial communications standards in modern computers.

Serial Dilution in Microbiology: Calculation. An example serial dilution using the easiest method. In Microbiology: Calculation, Method & Technique. Dilutions: Explanations and Examples of Common Methods. There are many ways of expressing concentrations and dilution. Autocad Lisp Steel Sections Properties there. Serial Dilutions.

Which is Better? [ ] It is a natural question to ask which one of the two transmission methods is better.

At first glance, it would seem that parallel ports should be able to send data much faster than serial ports. Logitech Mk300 Driver Vista more. Let's say we have a parallel connection with 8 data wires, and a serial connection with a single data wire.

Simple arithmetic seems to show that the parallel system can transmit 8 times as fast as the serial system. However, parallel ports suffer extremely from inter-symbol interference (ISI) and noise, and therefore the data can be corrupted over long distances. Also, because the wires in a parallel system have small amounts of capacitance and mutual inductance, the bandwidth of parallel wires is much lower than the bandwidth of serial wires. We all know by now that an increased bandwidth leads to a better bit rate.

We also know that less noise in the channel means we can successfully transmit data reliably with a higher Signal-to-Noise Ratio, SNR. If, however, we bump up the power in a serial connection by using a differential signal with 2 wires (one with a positive voltage, and one with a negative voltage), we can use the same amount of power, have twice the SNR, and reach an even higher bitrate without suffering the effects of noise. USB cables, for instance, use shielded, differential serial communications, and the USB 2.0 standard is capable of data transmission rates of 480Mbits/sec! In addition, because of the increased potential for noise and interference, parallel wires need to be far shorter than serial wires. Consider the standard parallel port wire to connect the PC to a printer: those wires are between 3 and 4 feet long, and the longest commercially available is typically 25 meter(75 feet). Now consider Ethernet wires (which are serial, and typically unshielded twisted pair): they can be bought in lengths of 100 meters (300 feet), and a 300 meters (900 feet) run is not uncommon!

UART, USART [ ] A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) peripheral is used in embedded systems to convert bytes of data to bit strings which may be transmitted asynchronously using a serial protocol like RS-232. A Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) peripheral is just like a UART peripheral, except there is also a provision for synchronous transmission by means of a clock signal which is generated by the transmitter.

• On the use of the serial dilution culture method to enumerate viable phytoplankton in natural communities of plankton subjected to ballast water treatment • There are two situations where serial dilutions should be used rather than parallel dilutions: FIRST: Use a serial dilution when you need several solutions of the same solute and there is a constant dilution factor. Therefore, this series has a constant dilution factor of 10. • THE INDICATOR DILUTION METHOD: ASSUMPTIONS AND APPLICATIONS TO BRAIN UPTAKE Olaf B. Paulson and Marianne M. Hertz State University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark • ARQ 197 (Tivantinib) is a novel and selective human c-Met receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor with a minmal IC50 of 0.1 μM. Find all the information about ARQ 197.