Texe Marrs

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What Texe Marrs doesn’t seem to realize is that by defending a merely traditional text as he does, he is in fact saying that we should believe whatever later scribes thought the text should say. Just give them time, and they will, too. Nothing is sacrosanct with the new translation scholars. Secret Societies & the Illuminati Texe Marrs examines the secret societies of the Illuminati in light of Bible prophecies and United States history.Includes information on:1) The mysterious symbols on the U.S.A. One-dollar bill;2). Texe Marrs' Power of Prophecy ministry is sanctioning a webpage that is designed to arouse lust. Correction: I made a mistake by stating on the podcast that the website Texe Marrs directed his readers to visit links to a Play-y pornographic website.

This Week’s Message

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This week’s message is:

Just click the title to listen to this week’s powerful message from Pastor Texe Marrs.

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PayPal has deemed Bible Home Church as unworthy of processing donations for. As such, they abruptly cancelled our account on Thursday, February 20, 2020. Surely, Satan and his minions are fast at work attempting to silence true Christians in these last days. We are told in Revelation 3:8: “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” We appreciate your patience at this time.

The Shocking Truth About C.I. Scofield

I am constantly amazed at the gross spiritual apathy and blasphemy of men and women, supposedly 'Christians,' who possess a woeful ignorance of the true meaning of the Kingdom of God.

As shocking as it may seem, millions of people who consider themselves perfectly knowledgeable of the prophetic scriptures are today working earnestly in a misguided effort to help Satan and the Beast of Revelation establish their latter days global kingdom.

Disgustingly, these millions of 'evangelical' and 'fundamentalist' Christians actually believe that in helping Satan and the Beast set up their bloody kingdom on earth, they are, in reality, serving God.

Their callous disregard for scriptural integrity brings graphically to mind our Lord's dire warning that as the end of time draws near, the religious of this world will kill true Christians and think they do God service (John 16:2).

A Satanic Emblem for Israel's Kingdom

Some years ago, while attending a prophecy conference in Florida, I encountered a sincere but deluded woman proudly wearing a necklace bearing the so-called Jewish Star of David, the six-pointed star. She had no idea that this star secretly represents the number 666, that occultists universally call it the hexagram, and that Satanists regularly use the six-pointed star in their satanic rituals and invocations.

This same woman gushingly told me she was a 'lover of the nation-state of Israel.' She bragged of giving large sums of money to a militant Jewish group in Jerusalem that has as its goal the blowing up of the Islamic mosque and the setting up of a new temple for the Jews atop its ruins.

'But,' I inquired of the woman, 'are you not aware of II Thessalonians 2, which prophesies that the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, shall show himself in such a temple, and blasphemously declare that he is above God?'

'Well, yes,' she offered. 'But isn't that a good thing? That would hasten the coming of the Kingdom of the Jews, wouldn't it?'

'The Kingdom of the Jews?,' I repeated, almost incredulous.

Texx Marrs Radio

'Oh sure,' she excitedly exclaimed. 'That is what the Scofield Bible, which my husband and I love, says. The Jews shall reign over all the earth. They are God's Chosen. In helping them to rebuild their great temple, I am helping to usher in the Kingdom of the Jews.'

'My dear Sister,' I confided, 'You cannot serve God and the Devil at one and the same time. You cannot, on the one hand, help Jews, who despise our Saviour, Jesus Christ, rebuild their blasphemous temple in which they intend to carry out animal sacrifices. This would be mocking the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Do you really believe that in doing that, you are serving God?'

But, she objected, 'in helping the Jews rise to power, I am serving God!'

'You cannot give money to help build Satan's kingdom,' I explained, 'and in doing so, please our Lord God. If the Zionist Jews are doggedly determined to mock and disrespect the truth, why should you, a Christian, help make that come to fruition?'

'Moreover,' I concluded, 'Are you not aware that it was Jesus Himself who prophesied that the Jewish Temple would be destroyed, stone by stone. And it was destroyed, by the Romans in 70 AD. You, therefore, are working to undo what God has done. Are you more wise than God?'

Texe Marrs Latest Radio Programs

'But,' she again protested, 'God needs a place to live. He needs an earthly temple. And he needs a Holy City, Jerusalem, a capital for the Jewish Kingdom!'

The Jewish Star of David secretly honors Lucifer under the disguise of Remphan, the ancient Egyptian 'Star' god. In Acts 7:39-43 the blessed martyr Stephen blasted the Jews, prophetically declaring, 'Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.' (For more documentation about the occultic, six-pointed star, see the book, The Six-Pointed Star, by Dr. O.J. Graham, a converted Jew. Available from the ministry for $8, plus shipping.)

Earthly Jerusalem vs. New Jerusalem

I had no more time to spare. If I did, I would have informed this poor creature that God has no need of a temple built with human hands. I would have patiently explained to her that, in any event, God considers the earthly Jerusalem, the intended world capital of the Jews, so wicked He compares it to 'Sodom and Egypt' (Revelation 11:8).

I would also liked to have brought to her attention the prophetic fact that earthly Jerusalem is a doomed city in bondage to Satan (Galatians 4:25-26). But, thank God, our Lord Jesus has prepared for His bride, the Christian Church, a fabulous New Jerusalem:

However, I suspected that this unfortunate woman was not interested in the heavenly New Jerusalem of Scripture. She was far too enamored of the earthly city of Jerusalem, site of what she was sure was going to be a global empire to be presided over by the worldly leaders and rabbis of the Jewish race she so devoutly idealized.

How sad and tragic. Like so many Christians, this pitiful lady had bought into the monstrous heresies first brought into the Church by Cyrus Scofield, a corrupt, crooked lawyer funded by Zionist Jews from New York City in the late 19th century. Scofield's heresies promoting a Jewish kingdom and an earthly Zionist New World Order to be ruled over by a god-like Jewish race, without any Christian gentiles around to mess things up, soon became fashionable among some apostate denominations, especially among the Southern Baptists and their heavily Masonic Lodge membership.

Of course, the confused, but sincere woman wearing the hideous six-pointed star that day down in Florida had little knowledge of this Zionist plot by Scofield and his Jewish cohorts. She was a victim of some modern-day charlatan, perhaps a Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, or Billy Graham, who had infused her with the Jewish fables against which the Apostle Paul long ago warned us to avoid (see Titus 1:14).

Money for the Master Race

For years, she and others have been taught that the Jews are the Master Race, that Christ-rejecting Jews, by virtue of their blood and fleshly race, are 'God's Chosen' people. The deceived multitudes are, after all, constantly surrounded by the smooth words of Zionist fanatics like San Antonio's John Hagee and Left Behind's Tim LaHaye telling them that the Jews comprise a 'holy nation,' that if they give money to the Jews to go toward their worldly kingdom, God will prosper them and that someday, after Christian gentiles are raptured up, the ruling Jews can get on with building their long-sought earthly Kingdom.

Jesus Not Our King in Heaven

As one pro-Zionist 'Christian' publication recently explained it, Jesus Christ is not our King in heaven, he's only the groom of the church. According to the Scofield-inspired crowd, Jesus has been demoted. He's up in Heaven today wandering around in a Jewish human body without a throne, waiting for a second opportunity to someday be King of the Jews.

Cyrus I. Scofield and his heretical 'Bible' continue today to be idolized by Southern Baptist leaders, Pentecostal and charismatic teachers, and millions of deceived evangelicals. In fact, as documented in Joseph Canfield’s stunning exposé book, The Incredible Scofield and His Book (available through the ministry for $25, plus shipping), Mr. Scofield was a crooked, adulterous lawyer who abandoned his wife and was paid handsomely by New York Jewish plotters to betray the Christian faith. Scofield planted 'Judaizer seeds' in his Bible commentaries denying Christ’s heavenly kingdom, whereas Jesus had proclaimed to Pilate, 'My kingdom is not of this world' (John 18:36). Scofield and his Talmudic Jewish mentors conceived of a coming worldly kingdom led by powerful Jews who would reign over inferior Gentiles for a thousand years. Jewish rabbis everywhere must be laughing hysterically that the preposterous Scofield scam has worked out so beautifully over the years.

The Kingdom of God, say the Judaizers and Zionists, is not in heaven, nor is it in the hearts of men and women who have faith in Jesus their Lord. The Kingdom is the property exclusively of the Jews right here on earth!


This, then, is the final landing point of the heretical, Satanic journey and amusement ride on which the Zionist schemers are enthusiastically jockeying the Christian masses. Jesus, who was killed by the Jews after he told Pilate, 'My kingdom is not of this world,' is once again humiliated and degraded. Rejected almost two thousand years ago as King of the Jews, He is today rejected by Zionists and Judaizers as a heavenly Monarch as well. His heavenly crown is ripped from His brow. He is barred from the heavenly throne.

While Jesus is demoted and shunted aside, a mere human race, the Jews, are spiritually and materially enthroned and exalted. Soon, we are told, the Jews shall have the kingdom for which they have lusted throughout the centuries since before the days of John the Baptist. Of course, to guarantee this earthly kingdom, the Gentile Christians are first to be raptured and out of the way. Only then, say the Judaizers, can the racially blessed and God-favored Jews rise to the pinnacle of universal power. It is supposedly the destiny of the Jews to be god-men and rulers of planet earth.

The Kingdom Reserved for the Overcomers

Well, I have news for these Zionist and Judaizer schemers and plotters. Under the authority of God's majestic and incomparable Word, we can with assurance confidently proclaim that Zion is the destination and home only of born again Christian believers, people saved through faith in Jesus and not as a result of their flesh and blood or by accident of their national origins.

The prophecies of God clearly tell us that it is not just Jews who shall inherit the Kingdom and have power over the nations, but whoseoever believeth on the name of Jesus, for He has overcome the world, and we are of Him:

'And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations.'

(Revelation 2:26)

The Kingdom of our Lord Jesus is not a future Kingdom, and He is not interested in sitting on an earthly throne in Jerusalem. Indeed, God scathingly identifies wicked, earthly Jerusalem as the 'Great City, Babylon' (Revelation 18). He also brands this filthy city of earthly Jerusalem as 'Sodom and Egypt' (Revelation 11:8).

No, Jesus' Kingdom is not future. It is not limited to earthly habitation. It is alive. It is eternal. It exists now. Our Father in Heaven has declared His Majesty, and who is able to deny Jesus His deserved crown and Kingdom?

'But unto the Son He saith, THY THRONE, O GOD, IS FOR EVER AND EVER.'

(Hebrews 1:8)

The Apostle Paul told us that all who trust in Jesus as Lord are already entered into His Kingdom. We are even now 'situated in heavenly places' (see Col. 1:13; I Thessalonians 2:12; Hebrews 12:22). Friends, would you then trade in your heavenly and joyous abode for a man-made residence here on this tumultuous, depraved planet earth? Well, count me out! My calling, destiny and hope is to reside in glory with Christ Jesus, not to remain here, on this doomed, miserable pile of dirt and rocks called planet earth. If the Jews and their Judaizer associates want it that bad, let them have this planet.

No Zion Without King Jesus

The true Kingdom of Zion is, in fact, the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city and habitat built by God without human hands. What's more, citizenship in Zion is based not on race and blood. A person must be chosen by the King of Zion and must be born again into this Kingdom (John 3:3). Citizenship in this marvelous Kingdom is the privilege of believers.

The wonderful thing is that there can be no Zion without a King. And the Word of God trumpets the indisputable Truth: There is No King but King Jesus!

~by Dr. Texe Marrs