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Unlike earlier APIs, shader code in Vulkan has to be specified in a bytecodeformat as opposed to human-readable syntax like GLSLand HLSL. Thisbytecode format is called SPIR-V and is designedto be used with both Vulkan and OpenCL (both Khronos APIs). It is a format thatcan be used to write graphics and compute shaders, but we will focus on shadersused in Vulkan's graphics pipelines in this tutorial.

The advantage of using a bytecode format is that the compilers written by GPUvendors to turn shader code into native code are significantly less complex. Thepast has shown that with human-readable syntax like GLSL, some GPU vendors wererather flexible with their interpretation of the standard. If you happen towrite non-trivial shaders with a GPU from one of these vendors, then you'd riskother vendor's drivers rejecting your code due to syntax errors, or worse, yourshader running differently because of compiler bugs. With a straightforwardbytecode format like SPIR-V that will hopefully be avoided.

However, that does not mean that we need to write this bytecode by hand. Khronoshas released their own vendor-independent compiler that compiles GLSL to SPIR-V.This compiler is designed to verify that your shader code is fully standardscompliant and produces one SPIR-V binary that you can ship with your program.You can also include this compiler as a library to produce SPIR-V at runtime,but we won't be doing that in this tutorial. Although we can use this compiler directly via glslangValidator.exe, we will be using glslc.exe by Google instead. The advantage of glslc is that it uses the same parameter format as well-known compilers like GCC and Clang and includes some extra functionality like includes. Both of them are already included in the Vulkan SDK, so you don't need to download anything extra.

GLSL is a shading language with a C-style syntax. Programs written in it have amain function that is invoked for every object. Instead of using parametersfor input and a return value as output, GLSL uses global variables to handleinput and output. The language includes many features to aid in graphicsprogramming, like built-in vector and matrix primitives. Functions foroperations like cross products, matrix-vector products and reflections around avector are included. The vector type is called vec with a number indicatingthe amount of elements. For example, a 3D position would be stored in a vec3.It is possible to access single components through members like .x, but it'salso possible to create a new vector from multiple components at the same time.For example, the expression vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0).xy would result in vec2. Theconstructors of vectors can also take combinations of vector objects and scalarvalues. For example, a vec3 can be constructed withvec3(vec2(1.0, 2.0), 3.0).

As the previous chapter mentioned, we need to write a vertex shader and afragment shader to get a triangle on the screen. The next two sections willcover the GLSL code of each of those and after that I'll show you how to producetwo SPIR-V binaries and load them into the program.

Vertex shader

The vertex shader processes each incoming vertex. It takes its attributes, likeworld position, color, normal and texture coordinates as input. The output isthe final position in clip coordinates and the attributes that need to be passedon to the fragment shader, like color and texture coordinates. These values willthen be interpolated over the fragments by the rasterizer to produce a smoothgradient.

A clip coordinate is a four dimensional vector from the vertex shader that issubsequently turned into a normalized device coordinate by dividing the wholevector by its last component. These normalized device coordinates arehomogeneous coordinatesthat map the framebuffer to a [-1, 1] by [-1, 1] coordinate system that lookslike the following:

You should already be familiar with these if you have dabbled in computergraphics before. If you have used OpenGL before, then you'll notice that thesign of the Y coordinates is now flipped. The Z coordinate now uses the samerange as it does in Direct3D, from 0 to 1.


For our first triangle we won't be applying any transformations, we'll justspecify the positions of the three vertices directly as normalized devicecoordinates to create the following shape:

We can directly output normalized device coordinates by outputting them as clipcoordinates from the vertex shader with the last component set to 1. That waythe division to transform clip coordinates to normalized device coordinates willnot change anything.

Normally these coordinates would be stored in a vertex buffer, but creating avertex buffer in Vulkan and filling it with data is not trivial. Therefore I'vedecided to postpone that until after we've had the satisfaction of seeing atriangle pop up on the screen. We're going to do something a little unorthodoxin the meanwhile: include the coordinates directly inside the vertex shader. Thecode looks like this:

The main function is invoked for every vertex. The built-in gl_VertexIndexvariable contains the index of the current vertex. This is usually an index intothe vertex buffer, but in our case it will be an index into a hardcoded arrayof vertex data. The position of each vertex is accessed from the constant arrayin the shader and combined with dummy z and w components to produce aposition in clip coordinates. The built-in variable gl_Position functions asthe output.

Fragment shader

The triangle that is formed by the positions from the vertex shader fills anarea on the screen with fragments. The fragment shader is invoked on thesefragments to produce a color and depth for the framebuffer (or framebuffers). Asimple fragment shader that outputs the color red for the entire triangle lookslike this:

The main function is called for every fragment just like the vertex shadermain function is called for every vertex. Colors in GLSL are 4-componentvectors with the R, G, B and alpha channels within the [0, 1] range. Unlikegl_Position in the vertex shader, there is no built-in variable to output acolor for the current fragment. You have to specify your own output variable foreach framebuffer where the layout(location = 0) modifier specifies the indexof the framebuffer. The color red is written to this outColor variable that islinked to the first (and only) framebuffer at index 0.

Per-vertex colors

Making the entire triangle red is not very interesting, wouldn't something likethe following look a lot nicer?

We have to make a couple of changes to both shaders to accomplish this. Firstoff, we need to specify a distinct color for each of the three vertices. Thevertex shader should now include an array with colors just like it does forpositions:

Now we just need to pass these per-vertex colors to the fragment shader so itcan output their interpolated values to the framebuffer. Add an output for colorto the vertex shader and write to it in the main function:

Next, we need to add a matching input in the fragment shader:

The input variable does not necessarily have to use the same name, they will belinked together using the indexes specified by the location directives. Themain function has been modified to output the color along with an alpha value.As shown in the image above, the values for fragColor will be automaticallyinterpolated for the fragments between the three vertices, resulting in a smoothgradient.

Compiling the shaders

Create a directory called shaders in the root directory of your project andstore the vertex shader in a file called shader.vert and the fragment shaderin a file called shader.frag in that directory. GLSL shaders don't have anofficial extension, but these two are commonly used to distinguish them.

The contents of shader.vert should be:

And the contents of shader.frag should be:

We're now going to compile these into SPIR-V bytecode using theglslc program.


Create a compile.bat file with the following contents:

Replace the path to glslc.exe with the path to where you installedthe Vulkan SDK. Double click the file to run it.


Create a file with the following contents:

Replace the path to glslc with the path to where you installed theVulkan SDK. Make the script executable with chmod +x and run it.

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End of platform-specific instructions

These two commands tell the compiler to read the GLSL source file and output a SPIR-V bytecode file using the -o (output) flag.

If your shader contains a syntax error then the compiler will tell you the linenumber and problem, as you would expect. Try leaving out a semicolon for exampleand run the compile script again. Also try running the compiler without anyarguments to see what kinds of flags it supports. It can, for example, alsooutput the bytecode into a human-readable format so you can see exactly whatyour shader is doing and any optimizations that have been applied at this stage.

Compiling shaders on the commandline is one of the most straightforward options and it's the one that we'll use in this tutorial, but it's also possible to compile shaders directly from your own code. The Vulkan SDK includes libshaderc, which is a library to compile GLSL code to SPIR-V from within your program.

Loading a shader

Now that we have a way of producing SPIR-V shaders, it's time to load them intoour program to plug them into the graphics pipeline at some point. We'll firstwrite a simple helper function to load the binary data from the files.

The readFile function will read all of the bytes from the specified file andreturn them in a byte array managed by std::vector. We start by opening thefile with two flags:

  • ate: Start reading at the end of the file
  • binary: Read the file as binary file (avoid text transformations)

The advantage of starting to read at the end of the file is that we can use theread position to determine the size of the file and allocate a buffer:

After that, we can seek back to the beginning of the file and read all of thebytes at once:

And finally close the file and return the bytes:

We'll now call this function from createGraphicsPipeline to load the bytecodeof the two shaders:

Make sure that the shaders are loaded correctly by printing the size of thebuffers and checking if they match the actual file size in bytes. Note that the code doesn't need to be null terminated since it's binary code and we will later be explicit about its size.

Creating shader modules

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Before we can pass the code to the pipeline, we have to wrap it in aVkShaderModule object. Let's create a helper function createShaderModule todo that.

The function will take a buffer with the bytecode as parameter and create aVkShaderModule from it.

Creating a shader module is simple, we only need to specify a pointer to thebuffer with the bytecode and the length of it. This information is specified ina VkShaderModuleCreateInfo structure. The one catch is that the size of thebytecode is specified in bytes, but the bytecode pointer is a uint32_t pointerrather than a char pointer. Therefore we will need to cast the pointer withreinterpret_cast as shown below. When you perform a cast like this, you alsoneed to ensure that the data satisfies the alignment requirements of uint32_t.Lucky for us, the data is stored in an std::vector where the default allocatoralready ensures that the data satisfies the worst case alignment requirements.

The VkShaderModule can then be created with a call to vkCreateShaderModule:

The parameters are the same as those in previous object creation functions: thelogical device, pointer to create info structure, optional pointer to customallocators and handle output variable. The buffer with the code can be freedimmediately after creating the shader module. Don't forget to return the createdshader module:

Shader modules are just a thin wrapper around the shader bytecode that we've previously loaded from a file and the functions defined in it. The compilation and linking of the SPIR-V bytecode to machine code for execution by the GPU doesn't happen until the graphics pipeline is created. That means that we're allowed to destroy the shader modules again as soon as pipeline creation is finished, which is why we'll make them local variables in the createGraphicsPipeline function instead of class members:

The cleanup should then happen at the end of the function by adding two calls to vkDestroyShaderModule. All of the remaining code in this chapter will be inserted before these lines.

Shader stage creation

To actually use the shaders we'll need to assign them to a specific pipeline stage through VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo structures as part of the actual pipeline creation process.

We'll start by filling in the structure for the vertex shader, again in thecreateGraphicsPipeline function.

The first step, besides the obligatory sType member, is telling Vulkan inwhich pipeline stage the shader is going to be used. There is an enum value foreach of the programmable stages described in the previous chapter.

The next two members specify the shader module containing the code, and thefunction to invoke, known as the entrypoint. That means that it's possible to combine multiple fragmentshaders into a single shader module and use different entry points todifferentiate between their behaviors. In this case we'll stick to the standardmain, however.

There is one more (optional) member, pSpecializationInfo, which we won't beusing here, but is worth discussing. It allows you to specify values for shaderconstants. You can use a single shader module where its behavior can beconfigured at pipeline creation by specifying different values for the constantsused in it. This is more efficient than configuring the shader using variablesat render time, because the compiler can do optimizations like eliminating ifstatements that depend on these values. If you don't have any constants likethat, then you can set the member to nullptr, which our struct initializationdoes automatically.

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Modifying the structure to suit the fragment shader is easy:

Finish by defining an array that contains these two structs, which we'll lateruse to reference them in the actual pipeline creation step.

That's all there is to describing the programmable stages of the pipeline. Inthe next chapter we'll look at the fixed-function stages.

Vertex Shader 5

C++ code /Vertex shader /Fragment shader

Vertex Shader 5.1 Download

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