Webkinz List

  • Adoption Center
    • If you ever want to adopt a new Webkinz pet onto your current account, visit the Adoption Center. Ms. Birdy will guide you through the adoption.
  • Arcade
    • This is where you'll find lots of fun games to play. If your child plays here, they will earn KinzCash and, if they get a high score, will be on our high scores list in the Newz!
  • Clubhouse
    • Your child can go to the Clubhouse to play with other Webkinz World members and chat using our pre-constructed KinzChat system or our KinzChat PLUS system. KinzChat PLUS still limits what the members can say because members can only use words that are in our dictionary. We have done our best to insure that personal information cannot be shared, and inappropriate messages cannot be used. It is possible, however, that your child might see something inappropriate in this area. That is why we require younger members to have parental consent to enter this area. If your child asks for your consent, you'll receive an email. If you want to allow your child to play in the KinzChat PLUS area, you can click 'allow'. If you do not want your child to play in the KinzChat PLUS area, you can create a Parent Account by going to the Parent's Area via the Webkinz World homepage.
  • Curio Shop
    • Arte Fact is the Curio Shop owner. He's got LOTS of cool stuff on sale all the time. Sometimes he has W Shop items on sale; sometimes he has rare or semi-rare items. The more you visit, shop, and leave him tips, the better he gets to know you. If he knows you really well, he will tell you exactly when you can find a rare item.

Don’t forget webkinz will be down the morning of december 19 for an update! #webkinz #webkinz community codes #webkinz codes #my posts #webkinz christmas #webkinz tips. Got this in an email from the estore so that’s neat. #webkinz #webkinz. List of free Webkinz codes generated using this generator. Keep in mind that these codes from the list are already activated. You can generate unused codes using the generator located on the top of this page.

The person with the highest score wins the tournament), or to play against other Webkinz World members. Your child can ask opponents to join their friends list after a game. Webkinz Guide This guide contains any and all information about Webkinz World. Give it a read and become a Webkinz. I have 12 Webkinz – 6 girls. My monkey’s name is Italianamed after my birthplace – Italy, my White Terrier’s name is snowy, my reindeer’s name is Cupid, my seal’s name is annie, my black lab is samantha, my clydesdale’s name is cocoa. ADD THOSE NAMES PLEASE! AND ADD cl61097 TO YOUR WEBKINZ FRIENDS LIST. Webkinz World® is a multi-award winning virtual world for boys and girls aged 6+. On Webkinz.com, players discover a whole world of fun, caring and learning, while they adopt and play with their pets, decorate rooms, play games, collect prizes, and chat with their friends!

  • DiceKinz
    • This is Webkinz World's very own collectible game. Your child can collect different dice from the W Shop's 'Games' section and build a very powerful dice pool. Your child can play this game with other members, or against the computer.
  • Dock
    • The area at the bottom of your screen that shows the items, furniture, and foods your child currently owns.
  • Employment Office
    • Children can go here every 8 hours and complete a job. Jobs are mini games that pay out lots of KinzCash. Complete a level 3 times to move to the next level! There are 3 levels in total for each job. To see how many jobs your child has done, click 'resume.' To see how jobs pay out, click the 'I' on the Employment Office job board.
  • Happiness, Health, Hunger Meters
    • These meters show how happy, healthy, and hungry your pet is. If the meters are full, that means your pet is totally happy, healthy, and full. If you have more than one Webkinz pet and would like to see all of your Webkinz pet's meters at once, visit the 'My Pets' page in the 'Things to Do' menu. Please know that no matter how low the meters become, your Webkinz pet cannot die.
  • Help
    • You can open the Help File in Webkinz World by clicking the little 'Help' button in the lower right corner of your dock. The information in the help file will apply to whichever section of the site you're visiting.
Webkinz list with pictures
  • KinzCash
    • This is Webkinz World's currency. Kids earn KinzCash by playing games, answering trivia, doing jobs, and answering our weekly survey (located on the 'Contact Us' page in the Newz).
  • KinzChat
    • A totally secure method by which Webkinz World members can talk to each other. Webkinz World members use pre-constructed sentences and phrases to talk to each other. No personal information can be shared.
  • KinzChat PLUS
    • In the KinzChat PLUS area, members may type their own messages, but are limited to using words from our restricted dictionary. In the restricted dictionary, we have eliminated numbers, most common names, many place names and a variety of inappropriate words.
  • KinzChat cell phone
    • This phone is located in the lower right corner of the dock. Click to open it, and click 'power' to turn it on. If you want to add a friend, click 'add' and then enter the friend's username. Click 'send' and an invitation will be sent to the friend. When they accept it, they will be added to your child's friends list, and your child will be added to their list.
    • When you turn your cell phone on, you'll notice that it is a certain color. This indicates which Color Zone you are in. You can only invite friends over and invite them to play a game if they're in the same Color Zone as you. If your friends are in the same Color Zone as you, their smiley faces will be green. Otherwise, their smiley faces will be red. You can switch color zones by clicking the 'Zone' button on your phone and choosing a different one to visit. A Zone with four smiley faces next to it is full.
    • You might notice that some friends on your list have a colored rectangle around their name. That shows which Color Zone they most recently visited. This information is cleared every night.
    • To invite a friend to visit your child's room, have your child go to their room, open their KinzChat cell phone and click a friend who is in the same Color Zone (remember: their smiley face will be green). Click 'Invite' to invite the friend over. If your child received an invitation to visit a friend, they can simply click 'Yes' to go to the friend's house, or 'No' to refuse.
  • My Pets
    • You can see your pets' status, read their bio, and reprint their adoption certificate by visiting this page. You can also visit the Care Award and click the 'I love my Webkinz' to earn KinzCash, a food item, and a chance to be in the weekly drawing for a special item.
  • My Room
    • Located in the things to do menu, your child can customize this area by visiting the W Shop and purchasing different wallpapers, floors, and furniture items and dragging them from the dock into their room (look for a green square to appear under the item. That's how you know you can put it down in a specific place).
  • Newspaper
    • Visit the Webkinz Newz to find out all the latest info about Webkinz World! This is also the place to go to enter contests and contact us. The Newz is updated twice a week.
  • Quizzy's
    • Your child can visit Quizzy's to answer age-appropriate trivia and earn KinzCash. This is a great learning tool and the quickest way to earn lots of KinzCash.
  • Today's Activities
    • We have different activities, bonus games, and sales on in Webkinz World everyday, and they're all listed on the 'Today's Activities' menu. Today's Activities is located in the Things to Do menu. Please remember that all activities are based on KinzTime (Eastern Standard Time).
  • Tournament Arena
    • Your child can visit the Tournament Arena to play a best score tournament (your child will play a game and their score will be submitted. The person with the highest score wins the tournament), or to play against other Webkinz World members. Your child can ask opponents to join their friends list after a game.
  • Webkinz Guide
    • This guide contains any and all information about Webkinz World. Give it a read and become a Webkinz World expert!

Guide To The Value Of Webkinz Items & The Trading Room

Don't get scammed in the trading room! Here is my guide to the value of Webkinz items and fair trading.
Item Value Guide

Webkinz List Of Dogs

Exclusive Items have an exchange value of about 2000-4000kc, though they often do not sell for that much in the W-shop (they actually sell for a very low amount strangely - so don't sell them!) If they are retired they are much more valuable.
Rare Items have an exchange value of the amount you bought them for (ex: if you bought it for 2500kc, it's worth 2500kc), however they may be worth more if they are extremely rare (ex: Colossal Movie Screen). If they are retired they are also much more valuable.

Pet of the Month Items have a similar exchange value to Exclusives and Rare items, though they are perhaps worth a little more, and they are worth a lot more if they are retired.

Webkinz Plush List

Click-to-Win Items become increasingly valuable the more time has passed since the event. Trade these items for ones of similar nature (ex: trade click-to-win prizes for other click-to-win prizes, trade Winterfest prizes for Spring Celebration prizes, etc).
Deluxe Prizes, such as Deluxe clothing or Deluxe Day prizes, are rather valuable and are popular in the trading room. Deluxe Prize Machine items are not as valuable.
Webkinz Newz Items are not very valuable (unless they are now unavailable), but they are less well-known and may be sought after in the trading room.

Rule #1: Trade like items. All items should be traded for the same type of items. Ex: PSI should be traded for PSI, rare items should be traded for other rare items, deluxe clothing should be traded for other deluxe clothing, etc. This is not always possible of course, but it should always be a priority and both parties should be fully satisfied if this goal is not reached.
Rule #2: Trade fairly. Make sure the items you are trading are equal in value with those that you are getting. This is the most important rule. If you are giving up a Pet Specific Item for a rare item, for example, make sure you get more than one rare item in return, as PSI's are generally much more valuable than most rare items. Or, if you are trading an exclusive item that costs a lot of wish tokens, for example, trade it for at least two exclusive items that together cost about the same amount of tokens as the item you are trading. Also, if your trading partner seems unaware of the value of the item they're offering and they are willing to make a trade that's unfair to them, don't take advantage of this. It might be tempting to get a cool item for a low offer, but it's not fair and it's kindest to just tell them their item's true value.
Rule #3: Know and say what you want. In the Trading Room, just shout out what you're looking for. Simply list the items you want / have and say them. Someone might have it / want it and invite you to trade. If you are trading exclusive items for Medieval rares, for example, say 'Looking for medieval rares!' and then say 'I will trade exclusive items.'
Rule #4: Arrive prepared. Make sure you bring lots of cool items and clothing with you to the Trading Room. You never know what other members are looking for. I like to bring a mix of different things: multiple rare items, some exclusives, some promo items, lots of clothing, and lots of other random prizes. Don't bring items that you don't want to trade so that you won't be tempted to trade them. However, if you are really low on rares/exclusives etc, you can bring a few that you don't plan to trade just so that you have more items to show in order to keep the other person interested. Hopefully the other person will prefer something else you offer.
Rule #5: Know what is popular and dress up. Certain clothing items are particularly famous/wanted in the Clubhouse, and are useful for attracting trading partners. These items include: Nafaria's Purple Slippers, The Swirling Leaf Tiara, The Merry Melodies Hat,The Rockstar Sunglasses, The Hot Dog Costume, The Ketchup Costume, The Cheeseburger Suit, and TheFairy Den Dress. Members often refer to Nafaria's Purple Slippers as 'slips' and the Rockstar Sunglasses as 'shuts' for short. If you sport one or more of these items in the Clubhouse, people will certainly want to trade with you! In general, dressing up is important; members want to trade with members that have cool items, and dressing your pet in their finest outfit is a good way to show other members that you have cool stuff. I always choose members with cool outfits to trade with first.

Highly Wanted Items (shown in order listed):

Webkinz List Of Pets

Rule #6:Quit boring trades. If you think a trade is going nowhere, politely apologize and exit the trade. Don't bother continuing to trade with anyone you don't want to! Just be polite in terms of what you say, and don't leave without saying anything; that's rude.
Rule #7: Beware of scammers! I have been scammed by a hacker in the Clubhouse before, and they stole some valuable items from me. If you see other members talking about a scammer in the trading room, don't trade with the person they're talking about and report the scammer! However, I have had very good experiences trading on Webkinz Newz and on the Webkinz subreddit; I have never been scammed there before. Strangely enough, it was on the actual Webkinz site where I was scammed!

Rule #8: Don't put up with bullies. If members are acting cliquey and only talking to each other (I have seen this happen before), trade with another person in the room who is not in the clique or just exit the room and come back another time. If members are being actively mean or rude, report them. Don't overuse the report button, however. If someone doesn't want to trade with you or doesn't like your items, that's not a valid reason to report them.

Rule #9: Communication is key. When trading with someone, the first thing you should do is ask them directly what they want, and tell them exactly what you want even if they don't ask. This is why using Kinzchat Plus is so important; it makes it way easier to communicate. If the other player doesn't have the items you want, that's okay; suggest something else, or apologize and exit the trade.

Rule #10: Have reasonable expectations. Don't go to the trading room if you are only looking for one specific item and are not open to any other offers. The odds of you finding the one item you want are low, and you won't make a very fun trading partner. Of course you can still go to the trading room, but you will likely have more luck on the Webkinz Newz trading forums or on the Webkinz subreddit if you are searching for just one item (you can post an ISO). Generally, the Trading Room is the place to go if you are looking for a range of items or are looking for new items that you haven't seen before.

Webkinz List Photos

Rule #11: Trade multiple items. This isn't a rule, but it's more fun! It's more efficient to trade 2-3 items and receive 2-3 items rather than just one item.

Rule #12: Know how old your items are. It's good to know a) where an item is from, b) how old it is, and c) it's exchange value (see above). Whether an item is from one year ago or 7 years ago is important, and can drastically change it's value. If an item is old (from before 2013/2014) it is worth a lot more (especially if it is from 2007 or 2008). You can Google an item to find out the year it was released.

Rule #13: Be friendly! Say hello to your trading partner and ask them how they are doing before you start talking about trading. It's good to start the trade off on a positive note. If you like their pet, name, or outfit, tell them so.

Rule #14: Give gifts. This isn't a rule by any means, but if you're feeling generous and have cool extra items, it's nice to offer other members in the trading room free gifts. Just shout out what you're giving away.

Rule #15: Always be polite. If another member offers you an unfair trade or consistently dislikes the items you offer, don't get mad at them or be rude to them. Just keep putting up different items or disliking the ones they put up, or even say goodbye and exit the trade. Also, you can politely ask to trade for something that another member is wearing, but be prepared for them to say no. If they are wearing it, they probably don't want to trade it.

I hope these tips helped! Happy trading!
